Monday, February 28, 2011

Bedroom Vanity

After that we walked around street after street of shops and stores of all kinds selling everything you would want. There was a very carnival like atmosphere ine New Orleans. There are hotels, resturants and bars in abundance as well. We stopped at a bar that Marion used to go to when she was in college. We sat outside in a courtyard that was very nice and enclosed by buildings with a fountain in the middle. Mike ordered some kind of special drink in a hurricane glass that he is fond of. Marion and I tasted the drink. We talked and Mike drank the drink until it was time to go. We went back to the street and walked some more. We stopped at a store where Mike bought a special sandwich which someone created in New Orleans. It has five kinds of meat and four kinds of cheese on some special kind of bread.

Red, White and Blue Flag Sheets in Bedroom

We got back to the car and drove down the street a little way and parked near the French Market. Marion and I got out and walked through the market. They used to sell more produce but now there are other things sold there with very little produce. We went back to the car and proceeded to drive out of town. We passed two of Emeril La Gasse's resturants. On the way out of town we passed miles and miles of mansions on the main beaulevard. It was very impressive. It is called the Garden section of town. We finally got to the freeway and headed out of town. North of New Orleans is Lake Ponchatrain again. This time we got a better view of it. The lake is so big you can't see land on the horizon. We saw some little duck/like birds in the water. We call those kind of birds coots where I come from. We also saw two pelicans flying close to the car. Pelicans are very prevelant in New Orleans. They have pelicans instead of seagulls.

Chandelier in Bedroom

While we were passing over the bridge Mike broke out the sandwich that he bought and we each got a third of it. It was very good. After that I became sleepy and fell asleep for quite awhile. When we got back to Mike's house I was still tired so I went up to the room where I stayed and slept for a few more hours. After that I got up and went to the living room and watched a little tv.

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