Monday, February 28, 2011

View from Living Room

We came back to the French Quarters again and then went on a cable car. When we got off of it we got on the street again and went to find a mule driver so we could get a little guided tour of the French Quater before I left. It was 15$ each for the ride. It was quite expensive but I thought it was worth it since I would not be passing that way any time soon once I left New Orleans. It was starting to get dark. He claimed that he took us forty blocks, but he took us down the most deserted streets he could find with less traffic to make things easy on himself. I don't blame him. He spent the time telling us stories and showed us the House of the Rising Sun which I thought was interesting.

Mike C. as a Marine

Once we got off the carriage we went to Cafe du Monds again and had some more world famous benyees and coffee oley which was very good on a cold night. After that we headed back to Port Allen. We had a nice conversation on the way back, and this time I stayed awake the whole way. The next morning I got up and had breakfast and we all sat around and talked. Mike's mother came and we talked some more. Soon it was time for me to go. I had to get to the airport.


We got in the truck and Mike showed me where he used to own a grocery store. It burnt down several years ago. He still owns the property and hopes to rebuild someday. After that they took me to the airport where I got on the plane, stopped shortly in Houston, Texas, then onto Seattle.
Three words describe my trip to Louisianna... Fan....tas...tic!!!


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