Monday, February 28, 2011

Horse Picture

Finally we enter New Orleans proper. We pass graveyards where bodies are buried above ground in tombs. This is done only in certain wards where the land is below sea level. further down the road we see the Super Dome where many people died during Hurricane Katrina. We continue on through the city to the French quarters where we find a parking spot,and park.


We went to the place called Cafe Du Mond where you can go in and order binyees and coffee. They were very good.

There were street musicians and people singing some old ragtime tunes the whole time while we were eating binyees and drinking mellow coffee. The street wasn't crowded at all, so it was easy to walk around. We crossed the street and went through a place where panhandlers, horse and buggy & handler and street artists assemble. Here we were infront of Jackson Park, and in the back was St. Louis Cathedral which is an icon of the area.

Cross on Wall

The park is where the first inhabitants lived when they first came to the area. Then we came upon the church and went inside. We spent quite a bit of time inside looking around at stained glass windows and other religious objects. The French quarter did not flood when Hurricane Katrina came through the area, so it was saved from consideral damage. The rest of the city that was flooded is all mopped up now and life is still coming back to normal. There was not that many in the French Quarter the day we were there as many people stay home nowadays since everyone was hurt by the hurricane and they don't feel like partying that much.

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