Monday, February 28, 2011

In the Bathroom

Marion complains of them. They don't shave, they stink and don't bathe. Can't find work. The one that stays with them used to be a police officier. The other works as a plumber out of state. He comes to stay with Mike and Marion when he comes to town inbetween jobs.

Mike gets a call. He must go to court! He starts to leave. Marion pleads for him to take his pistol out of his pocket and leave it there. Mike balks, but leaves the pistol with Marion and she sets it on the table. Mike leaves.


Marion is called Pokey by everyone. It's a nickname from childhood because she was a slow poke. She's left handed. Marion tells of Mike playing war with the neighbor kids on the levee that runs along their backyard, and miles up and down the Mississippi River.

Mike's parents used to own land near the levee. They had horses and a stable. They sold this long ago. Now homes have been built on that property.

Large Bathtub in Bedroom

Mike comes back. They have to go to the store to get some supplies for the bayou outing for the next day. On the way he showed me their rental house and also the night club he used to run. We went inside. It was a big mess.

After that we stopped by his x-wifes house to pick up a solar panel. He saw his younger daughter while we were there. After that we continued to Walmart Grocery store. In the store they ran into some of their friends. I was introduced as the writer of the Hill 10 story. All were warm and friendly. These friends advised not to eat seafood because people are dying and it being hushed up. On the way back from the store we stopped at a sausage shop where they sell boudin and other kinds of Southern food.

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